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  • Writer's pictureSean O'Leary

The Wonder of the Human Cell

It is important to engage rational thought in the way we interpret the world. The modern tendency towards relativism which dismisses truth as a social construct flies in the face of science and faith.

Science, like religion, explores the boundaries between the known and the unknown. Christians working in Biology see evolution by natural selection as a creative set of mechanisms by which biodiversity has been and continues to be created. Discovering the details of how living things work helps us to appreciate God’s wonderful creation.

When we learn about the intricacies of the cell as the basic unit of life, we open our hearts to awe and wonder. Each one of us has trillions of cells in our bodies and we don’t often really think about all of the processes taking place within each cell.

Each of us began life as a fertilised egg, a single cell that divided, multiplied and developed to form the trillions of cells that make up our bodies. Every single day, millions of new cells are being formed in our bodies to replace damaged or dying cells. We would not exist without these cells so it is useful to have some understanding of what's going on in our cells.

The following four-minute video from ‘The Human Protein Atlas’ takes us on a fascinating journey through the inner universe of the human cell in which we discover the importance of the structures and functions of cellular organelles and cellular compartments.

When looking at the architecture of a single cell, it is easy for believers to fall into the temptation to see its structure as if it instantly came into existence by God’s hand through intelligent design. Yet, overwhelming scientific evidence has revealed that cells emerged gradually throughout the history of life on earth.

As Christians, we know that the structures, complexity and self-assembly that support life emerged according to the natural laws set forth and sustained by the timeless presence of God. In purely physical terms, it took billions of years throughout the history of the universe to form the complexity and wonder of the human body. It is not something to be taken for granted. Instead, it obliges us to profoundly value what we have been given.


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